Large Eddy Simulation (LES) of a fireball created from silicone oil droplets with the Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS) v 6.9.1 - The total amount of silicone oil is 100 kg. Droplets of constant diameter are injected in different directions over a course of 4 s with a prescribed velocity. Ignition of the droplets is achieved by setting a high temperature in the surrounding surfaces for a short period of time period (0.3 s). The video shows the 3D smoke - temperature. The computational domain has dimensions of 160 m x 160 m x 160 m. The resulting maximum diameter of the silicone oil fireball is on the order of 50 m.
Αυτή εδώ είναι μια προσημείωση πυρόσφαιρας από έλαια σιλικόνης με τη μέθοδο Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). Ξέρετε, αυτό που στο πόρισμα το ΕΟΔΑΣΑΑΜ υπό την καθοδήγηση του κ.Λακαφώση γράφουν ότι δεν γίνεται.
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