ntrance to ONKALO, Finland’s repository for spent nuclear fuel. (Photo: Posiva) |
Countries operating nuclear power plants store their spent nuclear fuel either at reactor sites or away from them. Spent fuel can be dangerous to people and the environment if not properly managed; therefore, a publicly acceptable, permanent solution for its disposal is needed (see The Science box). While a number of countries are considering deep geological disposal repositories, Finland is the only country that has begun the construction of a repository for the final disposal of its spent nuclear fuel. At a depth of 400-450 metres and with about 70 km of tunnels and shafts, the ONKALO repository in Olkiluoto on Finland’s west coast will house copper canisters filled with spent fuel from nuclear power reactors. It is expected to receive waste for about 100 years, after which time it will be sealed.
“Since the decision was made 40 years ago on the overall waste management strategy and on a deep geological repository as the primary option for spent nuclear fuel, all the stakeholders have stood by it,” said Tiina Jalonen, Senior Vice President for Development at Posiva, the company in charge of the project. “Governments and people have changed, but the decision and the vision for the future have remained the same.”
Read more: https://www.iaea.org/newscenter/news/solving-the-back-end-finlands-key-to-the-final-disposal-of-spent-nuclear-fuel
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