Χρήστος Π. Σκαλούμπακας

Ο παππούς του Νικόλαος Γρούιος ή Γκρούγιος (1911 - 1940), είχε πολεμήσει στο πόλεμο του 1940 εναντίον των εισβολέων Ιταλών. Ο ίδιος αφομοιώθηκε από τους Σκοπιανούς με αποτέλεσμα να μετατραπεί σε «γενίτσαρο» εναντίον της χώρας μας.
Demetra Athena δεν ειχε απαχθει ακριβως μονος, μαζεψαν τη μανα κ τα τρια παιδια κ τα στρατολ9γησαν The Prime Minister of FYROM, Nikola Gruevski, has Greek roots. His grandfather, Nikolaos Grouios, was a resident of the village of Ahlada, in the prefecture of Florina, in Greece’s Macedonia province. Mr. Grouios was killed fighting the Italians a few weeks following their invasion of Greece on October 28, 1940. In the center of the village now stands a monument honoring war heroes who were residents of Ahlada. The name “Nikolaos Grouios” is clearly carved in the marble memorial.
During the final days of the Greek Civil War, as the communists retreated into Yugoslavia ousted by Greek, American and British forces, Nikolaos Grouios’ widow and her three children, one being Gruevski’s father, followed for reasons unknown the communists of the ELAS faction into Yugoslavia.
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